Florida Flag

Florida Hospital Liens

Nothing in life is free. The common saying is especially true for medical services. Most states provide hospitals with unique statutory ways of ensuring that they are reimbursed for the services they provide—especially in the case of patients without health insurance. In general, public policy dictates that this medical care is important to our overall…

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Marshall Colorado Wildfire

Settling Subrogation Claims And The Dreaded Release: Release Language, Indemnity, Hold Harmless, and Other Concerns

The bane of any subrogation professional’s existence is the dreaded release. It is no coincidence that when Zeus uttered the words, “Release the Kraken!” in the 1981 fantasy adventure film The Clash of the Titans, he chose the word “Release.” The meme itself connotes setting loose utter destruction on one’s enemy—a description which can be…

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Arizona Flag

Arizona Court Rules Med Pay Carrier Only Responsible For Paying Reasonable Medical Expenses—Not Amount Billed To Insured

In the continuing struggle between recovery of medical expenses billed vs. recovery of discounted medical expenses paid by insurers, an Arizona federal court has sounded off on the duty and obligation of a Med Pay carrier with respect to paying its insured for medical bills. In Jimenez v. Progressive Preferred Ins. Co., 2020 WL 2037113…

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US Flag with Hard Hat

Understanding War Hazard Act (WHA) Subrogation Claims

Congress enacted the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) to provide workers’ compensation to specified employees of private maritime employers. 33 U.S.C. §§ 901-950. The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs administers this Act, just as it does the Federal Employment Compensation Act (FECA). 5 U.S.C.S. §§ 8101-8193. The Defense Base Act (DBA) is an…

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Subrogation Trap

Florida’s Subrogation Trap

Subrogation professionals must be aware that Florida’s collateral source statute contains a trap for the unwary. Under F.S.A. § 768.76 (6), if a provider of collateral source benefits (e.g., Med Pay or health insurance benefits) does not respond to the insured’s request for a statement asserting the subrogated lien amount within thirty (30) days, the…

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