Check Your Everlotus Supply Lines: Interline Brands Settles Class Action Lawsuit Involving DuraPro Toilet Connectors

Almost everyone involved in handling property damage subrogation has faced a claim involving a failed water supply line that was sold or distributed by Interline Brands, Inc. These supply lines are often identified as “Everlotus” supply lines based on the “EL” that is stamped on one of the ferrules. Recently, Interline Brands, Inc. settled a…

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Tautology And The Art Of Listening

We only hear half of what we listen to. Perhaps that is why most people instinctively use tautology when they write or speak. Tautology is the use of different words to say the same thing or repeating the same thing twice, often in the same sentence, using different words. Most people don’t even know that…

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Why Molten Lava And Insurance Don’t Mix

Subrogating Pele and the Goddess of Fire In the Hawaiian religion, Tūtū Pele is the goddess of fire and volcanoes and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiians believe Kilauea to be inhabited by a “family of fire gods”, one of the sisters being Pele, who is believed to govern Kilauea and is responsible for…

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Future Credit In Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Third-Party Recovery Applies Only To Indemnity Benefits—Not Medical Benefits

A long-standing controversy in Pennsylvania workers’ compensation subrogation has been resolved—and resolved in a manner most unfriendly to Pennsylvania small businesses and the entire workers’ compensation industry. On June 19, 2018, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court hung their hat on a mistaken turn of a phrase found within § 319—the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation subrogation statute. Whitmoyer…

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