Arbitration Forums Makes Rule Changes Related to Arbitrating Product Liability Claims Effective January 1, 2015

Many of our clients are members of Arbitration Forums, Inc. (AF), a nonprofit, private arbitration organization that facilitates arbitration hearings between its members. Companies can be a part of a number of different programs, including arbitrating property damage disputes. By joining AF, a member company signs a Property Subrogation Arbitration Agreement (Property Program). The signatory…

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Use Of Red-Light Cameras In Accident Litigation

Intersection accidents represent a disproportionate share of vehicle crashes and, therefore, a disproportionate share of litigated cases. Credible witnesses are the key to winning cases, but credible witnesses are rare, can be cross-examined, and are often reluctant to cooperate. The growing ubiquitous presence of red-light cameras and traffic surveillance are beginning to serve as rock-solid…

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Texas Court Backs Private Right Of Action For Medicare Advantage Organizations

In Humana v. Farmers Texas County Mutual, et al., 13-cv-006111 (W.D. Tex. Sept. 24, 2014), the plaintiff, a Medicare Advantage Organization (MAO), sought reimbursement from a no-fault automobile insurer. The magistrate judge previously granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss holding that MAOs did not possess a private right of action under the Medicare Secondary Payer…

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Illinois Legislature Outsmarts Illinois Court of Appeals

Governor signs amendment to § 143.24d making arbitration of small auto property claims mandatory but not binding.   In 2013, Illinois enacted a new statute requiring the mandatory arbitration of collision subrogation claims involving less than $2,500. 215 I.L.C.S. § 5/143.24d. The new § 143.24d required mandatory, binding arbitration of smaller property subrogation cases between…

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7,540 Reasons To Include Your Insured’s Deductible In Your Subrogation Claim

Insured motorists are called upon every day to pay their deductibles in order for their carriers to cover the necessary repairs to their motor vehicles after accidents. Many carriers refuse to include those deductibles in the subrogated claims they make against the other motorists involved in accidents with their insureds. Because they are left on…

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District Of Columbia Plans To Limit Time For Compensation Carrier To File Subrogation Suit

On June 27, 2013, the Council of the District of Columbia enacted emergency and temporary legislation resulting in an amendment to § 32-1535 which narrows the window during which a workers’ compensation carrier has to file a third-party action. An injured employee had six months after accepting a workers’ compensation award in which to file…

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2nd Circuit Strips Fully-Insured Plans Of Preemption Of New York Anti-Subrogation Law

For the time being, trial lawyers are celebrating the recent 2nd Circuit decision in Wurtz v. Rawlings Co., LLC, 2014 WL 3746801 (2nd Cir. 2014), which on July 31st, held that a class action suit seeking to enjoin three defendants from seeking reimbursement of benefits paid under fully-insured health plans based on New York’s anti-subrogation…

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Recovery Of Allocated Loss Adjustment Expenses In Property Subrogation Cases: Subrogating For More Than Your Insured’s Property Damage

Property insurers along all lines could simplify their business practices and lower their overhead considerably by simply paying any and all property damages, claims, expenses, and consequential damages alleged to have been incurred by and in the amounts claimed by their insureds. Obviously, such a practice would be a shortcut to insolvency and would lead…

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Unpublished New Jersey Decision Calls Into Question Comp Carrier’s Subrogation Rights Against UM/UIM Benefits

A recent unpublished and quite puzzling decision from the New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division, threw decades of established New Jersey subrogation law into question when it announced that a workers’ compensation carrier has no subrogation/reimbursement rights on the medical portion of a third-party claim against an uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) carrier. The Court in Dever…

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