Jacksonville, Florida Skyline

Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer Launches New Jacksonville Branch Office And Welcomes Partner Elizabeth Hernandez To The Firm

Jacksonville, Florida Office Opens October 12, 2020. MWL is proud to announce the opening of its new Jacksonville, Florida subrogation law office. For years, MWL has represented workers’ comp carriers, auto carriers, self-insured companies, third-party adjusting companies, and subrogation vendors throughout the Sunshine State. MWL has enjoyed a subrogation partnership with the City of Jacksonville…

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Education is Key

TAKING THE RED PILL: Follow MWL Deeper Into The Matrix Of Subrogation Via Social Media

The vagaries and complexity of nationwide subrogation have, for many lawyers and insurance professionals, made keeping current with changing subrogation law in all fifty states an arduous and laborious task. It is the goal of Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. (MWL), through our newsletters, website blog, subrogation webinars, and social media pages, to assist in…

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Obstacle Hitting Wall

OCIPs, CCIPs, and Wrap-Up Insurance: The Lesser-Known Subrogation Obstacles

Workers’ compensation subrogation has another growing adversary—one that can slip in during the cover of night, gutting subrogation, and reimbursement rights, even after an insurance company or third-party administrator has spent thousands of dollars in recovery efforts. It is known as an OCIP, CCIP, or CIP, acronyms which spell trouble for workers’ compensation carriers which…

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Work Injury Sign

Subrogating Employees’ Intentional Act Damage Recoveries From An Employer Or Co-Employee

The quid pro quo premise underlying the social compromise known as workers’ compensation is simple: an employee injured at work receives no-fault medical expenses and wage replacement indemnity benefits and, in exchange, the employer is given protection from employee lawsuits and a statutory right to be reimbursed from the tortfeasor who actually caused the work-related…

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Kansas Flag

Kansas Decision Reveals Danger of Not Intervening In Workers’ Compensation Third-Party Litigation

Kansas Decision Introduces Concept of “Statutory Deficit”. The Kansas Court of Appeals is holding class on why it is important to have subrogation counsel in workers’ compensation subrogation third-party cases – even in states which are favorable to carriers. In the 2020 case of Hawkins v. Southwest Kansas Co-op Service, 2020 WL 1649867 (Kan. App.…

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