Webinar on Laptop

Join MWL for a Complimentary Webinar on Subrogating Data Breaches, Cyber Attacks, and Other Tech Losses

Ashton Kirsch will be presenting a complimentary one-hour live webinar on Subrogating Data Breaches, Cyber Attacks, and Other Tech Losses on February 10, 2021 at 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (Central). This webinar will cover the basics of subrogating data breaches, cyber attacks, and other tech losses and provide an introductory analysis of how these cases…

Delaware Flag

Delaware Workers’ Compensation Subrogation Rights Do Not Extend to PPD And Commutation Benefits

The Delaware Supreme Court recently affirmed a ruling which constitutes a potentially very dangerous and confusing opinion. Some might read the decision in ACW Corporation v. Maxwell, 2020 WL 678778 (Del. 2020) as a major departure from both the Delaware workers’ compensation subrogation statute and well-established subrogation law, interpreting it as declaring that lump-sum workers’…

Virginia Made Whole Doctrine

Virginia Trial Judge’s Order Fuels Rumor That Carrier Has No Lien for Lump-Sum Workers’ Compensation Settlement

An obscure and unpublished circuit court order from Buckingham County, Virginia, is being circulated by trial lawyers across the Old Dominion State for the proposition that a workers’ comp carrier is not entitled to subrogation for or reimbursement of any amounts it “voluntarily” pays as compensation pursuant to a lump-sum settlement of the workers’ comp…

Florida Flag

Florida Hospital Liens

Nothing in life is free. The common saying is especially true for medical services. Most states provide hospitals with unique statutory ways of ensuring that they are reimbursed for the services they provide—especially in the case of patients without health insurance. In general, public policy dictates that this medical care is important to our overall…