Understanding The Effect Of Experience Modifiers On Workers’ Compensation Insurance Premiums

It is said that good judgment comes from experience, but experience comes from bad judgment. That pithy aphorism is generally true in life, but is particularly true when a company sees significantly increased workers’ compensation insurance premiums following a serious workers’ compensation claim. The same is true even if the claim was not the employer’s fault. Is it…

To Release Or Not To Release? That Is The Question

Extinguishing Third-Party Liability as a Prerequisite to Contribution The absence of a simple sentence in a release signed by the claimant after settling a liability claim is costing liability carriers millions of dollars in contribution recoveries across the country. By the time they discover the mistake, it is too late. In contribution claims, a liability…

The Cost Of Subrogation Procrastination

Delays in Referring File to Subrogation Counsel Can Be Expensive. In July 2017, we published an article in the Claims Journal entitled “Ten Subrogation Mistakes Insurance Companies Keep Making.” A copy of the somewhat controversial article can be viewed HERE. Thirty-four years of subrogation litigation experience had distilled ten of the most common mistakes that…

Equitable Subrogation/Contribution Among Coinsurers And Duct Tape: Why You Can’t Have One Without The Other

When multiple insurers provide coverage for a single loss or accident, things can get confusing. Coinsurance can arise as a result of conscious risk-sharing or accidentally when two policies have overlapping coverage. Litigation involving who pays what, when, and in what order has become a cottage industry involving both subrogation and contribution. Understanding all the…

Recovering Workers’ Compensation Lien Out Of Legal Malpractice Recovery In California

There is little law in California regarding the subrogation/reimbursement and/or future credit rights of an employer or workers’ compensation carrier when an employee makes a third-party recovery because of legal malpractice in the handling of the employee’s attorney. This is surprising, given that California usually leads the nation on cutting-edge issues such as this. Despite the…