Gary Wickert recently appeared on a national Ringler Radio program, hosted by Larry Cohen. The program, titled “Driverless Car Litigation”, focused on the ever-changing intersection between the exploding industry of self-driving vehicles and litigation. The latest innovations in driverless cars were discussed, along with their likely impact on the insurance industry and underwriting. Even trial lawyers will have to adapt to the changing face of automobile accidents and injuries which involve self-driving vehicles. “The future starts today, not tomorrow,” Pope John Paul II famously said. He was right. Driverless cars – more appropriately known as “autonomous vehicles” – are here. To listen to the podcast, click HERE. To read the article discussed in the radio broadcast, entitled “Driverless Car Litigation – The World of George Jetson Has Arrived!”, as posted on the Claims Journal website, click HERE. If you have any questions regarding this topic or subrogation in general, please contact Gary Wickert at
Categories: Auto, Med Pay, PIP, Newsletter