This Christmas’ “Hot” New Gift: Exploding Hoverboards

With holiday shopping in full swing and Christmas a week away, there are growing concerns over the safety of one of the season’s hottest items – hoverboards. The year’s “must have” gift harkens back to the popular ‘80s movie Back To The Future II and has captured the imagination of young and old alike, their popularity…

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Four Extra Years To File Your Minnesota Subrogation Claims

We receive many questions from clients regarding Minnesota subrogation claims, including relevant statutes of limitations. One of the most frequent questions I receive has to do with the Minnesota statute of limitations for personal injury actions. For subrogation professionals outside Minnesota, its statutory statutes of limitations may not be clear. A quick, surface reading of…

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New Wisconsin Federal Court Decision Makes Made Whole Doctrine A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

What if the deck was stacked in such a way that insureds and tortfeasors could gerrymander and structure a tort settlement so as to ensure that the insured would never be “made whole”? Surely such ability would be a legal absurdity in a state where subrogation is supposedly favored for all of the societal benefits…

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Clarifies State’s Products Liability Law

For years, Pennsylvania products liability law has been split between state and federal courts with regard to the applicable standard for proving a strict liability design defect case. Pennsylvania State Courts followed common law precedent flowing from a 1978 case, implementing the principles of the Restatement of Torts (Second). In 2009, the U.S Court of…

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Arbitration Forums Makes Rule Changes Related to Arbitrating Product Liability Claims Effective January 1, 2015

Many of our clients are members of Arbitration Forums, Inc. (AF), a nonprofit, private arbitration organization that facilitates arbitration hearings between its members. Companies can be a part of a number of different programs, including arbitrating property damage disputes. By joining AF, a member company signs a Property Subrogation Arbitration Agreement (Property Program). The signatory…

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The Need For New Approaches To Subrogating Asian Manufacturer Claims

The long-standing and dysfunctional approach to subrogating against foreign manufacturers has become the primary reason why pursuing Chinese manufacturers is difficult and expensive. Many insurers, corporations, and law firms continue to implement tired and ineffective tools in pursuit of these claims. When a catastrophic fire loss is caused by a defective laptop battery manufactured in…

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DePuy Takes On Subrogation Liens In ASR Hip Mass Tort Settlement: Deadline Approaching

On August 26, 2010, DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. (DePuy), a division of Johnson & Johnson, issued a voluntary recall of the DePuy ASR™ XL Acetabular System and ASR Hip Resurfacing Device – a total hip replacement system. It involves not only the replacement of the joint (ball and socket), but also the “neck” of the femur.…

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