Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. Welcomes Griffin S. Gross To The Firm

Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. (“MWL”) is pleased to welcome Griffin S. Gross as a litigation associate in our Hartford, Wisconsin office. Griffin will be handling workers’ compensation, property, and automobile insurance subrogation cases. Griffin graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he received a B.S. in Accounting and received his law degree from…

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Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. Welcomes Constance A. Smith to the Firm

Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. (“MWL”) is pleased to welcome Constance A. Smith as a litigation associate in our Santa Ana, California branch office. Constance’s practice will focus on all lines of subrogation with an emphasis on medical malpractice. Constance boasts an undergraduate degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, where she received…

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Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer Is Hiring – Join Our Team!!

Join our team! MWL is a growing national subrogation and litigation firm with offices in Hartford, WI; New Orleans, LA; Santa Ana, CA; Austin, TX; and Jacksonville, FL. You can check out our current openings on Indeed here: Litigation Attorney (Hartford, WI) – Litigation Attorney (Santa Ana, CA) – Litigation Attorney (Austin, TX) –…

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Subrogating Surfside Condo Collapse

MWL to Present a CPCU Webinar on Subrogating Catastrophes: The Surfside Condo Collapse and Acts of God

Presented By: Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) MWL Speakers: Gary Wickert, Mark Solomon, Ashton Kirsch, and Elizabeth Hernandez This webinar explores the many avenues of potential recovery from catastrophic events when negligence exacerbates or increases the damages. Revealing subrogation potential and how to properly and effectively recognize, investigate, and cost-effectively pursue recovery…

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Webinar on Laptop

Join MWL for a Complimentary Webinar on Subrogating Data Breaches, Cyber Attacks, and Other Tech Losses

Ashton Kirsch will be presenting a complimentary one-hour live webinar on Subrogating Data Breaches, Cyber Attacks, and Other Tech Losses on February 10, 2021 at 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. (Central). This webinar will cover the basics of subrogating data breaches, cyber attacks, and other tech losses and provide an introductory analysis of how these cases…

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