Marina Boat Storage Subrogation

Marina Boat Storage Subrogation: Navigating Storage Agreement Exculpatory Clauses

On Friday, August 19, a huge fire ripped through the historic and family-owned Mattapoisett Boatyard in southern Massachusetts, a short distance south of MWL’s Boston office. The fire destroyed five buildings, three dozen cars, and countless expensive boats. Continuous explosions and fuel from the boats left the property a complete loss, making subrogation efforts difficult…

Dog Bite Laws

Illinois Legislature Battles Dog Discrimination

New Law Mandates That Insurance Companies Report All Dog Bite Claims To The State. It’s a great trivia question. Which state has the most dog bite claims? The answer probably won’t surprise you—California, with 2,103 insurance claims in 2020, followed by Florida, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois. What may surprise you, however, is…