Recently, Watts Regulator Company settled two separate class-action lawsuits involving their Floodsafe supply-line and Water Heater Connectors. Both products allegedly have design and manufacturing defects that cause them to fail prematurely.
Therefore, please be aware that if you have a claim involving property damage caused by one of these Watts connectors, your claim may be included in the class-action lawsuit and subsequent settlement. Your future recovery options will be limited to the minimal settlement negotiated by the class-action attorneys, and it will affect your ability to file a lawsuit in the future.
The deadline to file a request to be excluded from the class-action lawsuit and settlement is March 7, 2017. If you have a claim involving a Watts Floodsafe or Water Heater Connector, it is imperative that you contact Aaron Plamann at immediately to discuss your options and how to most effectively recover your subrogation claim.