Fundamentals Of Insurance Coverage In All 50 States is a unique compendium and overview of all aspects of insurance coverage law, in every state. The treatise utilizes and cites state and federal statutes, insurance regulations, and case law from every state as a framework for an unique and unprecedented treatment of this confusing and varied body of law. The book is designed specifically for insurance claims handlers and supervisors who have responsibility for or occasion to deal with coverage issues relating to third-party defense litigation, first-party claims litigation, and/or reservation of rights scenarios. The purpose of this book is to compile all of the relevant law, regulations and case decisions in these areas from all 50 states into one easy to understand and easy to use reference book. While the book intentionally omits reference to federal statutes, regulations or holdings based purely upon federal law, except insofar as they may be necessary to clarify issues of state law, it is a comprehensive treatment of all other aspects of coverage issues which the average claims handler or supervisor might be expected to run across in any given situation.