Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C. (MWL) pursues large loss property and casualty subrogation claims under personal/homeowner insurance, commercial insurance, and casualty insurance. This includes fire losses, boiler explosions, machinery failures, and marine and inland marine loss and damage. This includes defeating the exculpatory, waiver, and release of liability agreements signed by the insured owners of boats and other property damaged due to the negligence of marinas and other marine defendants.
MWL has particular expertise and experience in working with experts to identify and preserve key evidence necessary to prove your case. Much of this cannot be taught but comes exclusively through experience. Placing potential targets on notice of subrogation investigation and inspections is only the beginning. We have amassed a database of thousands of cause and origin and technical experts who will testify at trial in order to prove our subrogation case. Engineers, fire experts, private investigators, surveyors, fire spread experts, and government employees are all consulted in order to build a subrogation case from the moment we are engaged.
MWL doesn’t just stop with an initial investigation. In one eight-figure property loss MWL attorneys fanned out in the surrounding area talking to homeowners and farmers in order to obtain anecdotal evidence of previous flooding and damage, giving us the key evidence needed to secure a large subrogation recovery. We are experts at working around typical defenses to large loss property subrogation cases, such as the economic loss doctrine, waivers of liability, indemnity agreements, additional insured agreements, and hold harmless language. Our lawyers have been quoted in such publications as the New York Times with regard to overcoming the typical defenses one sees in such cases. That means larger recoveries for our clients.