Almost everyone involved in handling property damage subrogation has faced a claim involving a failed water supply line that was sold or distributed by Interline Brands, Inc. These supply lines are often identified as “Everlotus” supply lines based on the “EL” that is stamped on one of the ferrules.
Recently, Interline Brands, Inc. settled a class-action lawsuit involving its DuraPro Toilet Connectors, which alleged that the acetal plastic coupling nuts that were used on these supply lines were defective.
Therefore, please be aware that if you have a claim involving property damage caused by one of these DuraPro connectors, your claim may be included in the class-action lawsuit and subsequent settlement. Your future recovery options will be limited to the minimal settlement negotiated by the class-action attorneys, and the class-action settlement will affect your ability to file a lawsuit in the future related to these claims.
The deadline to file a request to be excluded from the class-action lawsuit and settlement is August 20, 2018. If you have a claim involving a DuraPro Toilet Connector, including any past claims that may have been abandoned due to the difficulty in pursuing a claim, it is imperative that you contact Aaron Plamann at to discuss your options and how to most effectively recover your subrogation claim. Time is of the essence!