Richard A. Schuster蘇世達是一位產品責任辯護律師,擁有12年代表外國製造商和保險公司的經驗,所涉及的业务包括從訴訟前的案件調查與解決方案到在聯邦法庭審判解決案件。他的中文溝通能力,對幾乎所有州的產品責任法的深刻了解,對亞洲公司特有的法律問題的獨到理解,以及最重要的是他所取得的案件成果,都使蘇世達律師成為許多製造商和保險公司需要出眾的代表律師時的首選律師。
2015年9月,他接獲一件來自美國北卡羅來納州聯邦法院的由陪審團審理的案件。他不僅打贏了官司,而且這場判決成為行業頭條新聞。新聞指出,在全國一系列的數百件同類型的案例中,這是第一個真正的全面的抗辯判決。 案件的結果被北卡羅來納州律師周刊評為2015年度最傑出的抗辯判決#2。
在2008~2012年,他曾住在台灣, 帮助世界上一些最成功的制造商為他们的产品和声誉辯護。他通過在美國各地參與為自行車、電動工具、輪胎、全地形車、管道零件以及其他產品的辯護,獲得了豐富的产品责任法律知识。他對客戶的企業、業務、產品的了解使他更好的專注于產品責任抗辯,為那些常在美國法庭被不合理描述的外國產品製造商發聲并塑造良好的形象。
僅在過去的五年中,蘇世達律師就在整個美國為50多起災難性的產品責任案件進行辯護或處理抗辯,這些案件通常涉及身体傷害和高達$20,000,000的索賠金額。 對客戶來說,蘇世達律師在涉及外國公司被告的程序和其他技術性法律問題方面的專業性是一個明顯的優勢。
除了為產品責任訴訟辯護外,蘇世達律師還幫助製造商了解並確保其產品符合CPSC,DOT,ANSI,UL和其他標準。在業務方面,蘇世達律師幫助製造商協商、起草和審查供應鍊合同及相關合同 – 包括保密協議,賠償協議,universal term agreements,許可協議等。他理解公司對法律成本的不確定性有擔憂,因此他與客戶合作採取(1)具有詳細預算的合理的時薪協定,或(2)固定費用協定,或(3)混合費用協定。這些協定均有助於降低不確定的、無法控制的法律辯護成本的風險並減輕客戶對此的擔心,並將重點放在為客戶取得卓越的成果上。
蘇世達律師精通中文,欽佩亞洲文化,了解亞洲公司。他曾在國立政治大學攻讀IMBA課程,並畢業於威斯康星大學法學院。在法學院他曾擔任威斯康星州法律評論的文章編輯,並獲得Bruce Beilfuss獎。
Pro Hac Vice Admissions
Approved to practice pro hac vice Florida, California, Texas, Illinois, North Carolina, Louisiana, Arizona, Connecticut, and other states.
蘇律師擅用中文交談,景仰亞洲文化 ,了解亞洲地區的企業 。曾在國立政治大學進修IMBA課程,畢業於 University of Wisconsin Law School,在校內期間,曾在 the Wisconsin Law Review 擔任文章編輯,也曾獲得 Bruce Beilfuss Award 獎的殊榮。
Reported Decisions
Auto-Owners Ins. Co. v. Cover-All of Wisconsin, LLC, 13-CV-748-BBC, 2014 WL 2865160 (W.D. Wis. June 24, 2014). (Decision on motion for judgment on the pleadings) (representing judgment creditor in corporate successor liability action).
- National Chengchi University, International, Taipei, Taiwan, 2012 – Highest Honors (#1 Overall)
- National Chengchi University, International, Taipei, Taiwan, Chinese Language Center
- University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, Wisconsin, 2005, J.D. – Cum Laude
- St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wisconsin, 2000, B.S. – Magna Cum Laude
專業領域 Areas of Practice
- Product Liability
- Commercial and Civil Litigation Defense
- Corporate Defense
- Insurance Defense
- Commercial
- Premises Liability
- Fire and Casualty Litigation
專業協會與會員資格 Professional Associations & Memberships
- State Bar of Wisconsin, Member, 2005
- Property and Liability Research Bureau (PLRB), Member, 2012
- Claims Litigation Management (CLM), Member, 2012
- National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP), Member, 2013
演講經驗 Speaking Engagements
The Shield Surrounding Online Retailers: An Update on the Prime Strategies Utilized by Cyber Stores to Deflect Accountability, November 12, 2018, Seminar presented at 2018 National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP) Conference in Orlando, Florida.
Stop Overlooking Manufacturers on Clearance to Combustible Fireplace Cases – A Case Study on Why Pursuing Only the Installer is Selling Your Case Short, March 23, 2018, Seminar presented at 2018 National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP) Litigation Skills Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
U.S. Product Liability Law and Developments, November 24, 2017, seminar presented at 2017 USA Product Liability Insurance Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
How Online Giants Fight to Avoid Product Liability for the Products they Sell and Why it Matters, November 13, 2017, Seminar presented at 2017 Annual National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP) Conference in Austin, Texas.
Pursuing Online Retailer – Strategies, Stores, and Trends in Making Claims Against the Growing Online Retail Industry, November 6, 2017, Webinar presented to National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP).
Subrogation Wars: A Galaxy on Fire, October 24, 2016, panel presentation at 2016 National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP) Annual Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Big Box Bounty: How the U.S. Retail Lobby is Reducing Property Insurers’ Subrogation Rights One State at a Time – A 50-State Examination of Retailer Law, November 10, 2015, seminar presented at 2015 National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP) Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada.
Pursuing Foreign Manufacturers in Products Cases After the Supreme Court’s Nicastro Case, November 10, 2014, seminar presented at 2014 National Association of Subrogation Professionals (NASP) Annual Conference, in Orlando, Florida.
Subrogating Claims Involving Asian Manufacturers: The New Approach, May 8, 2014, MWL webinar presented to the public.
Where’s The Beef? Subrogating Automobile/Livestock Collision, September 17, 2013, seminar presented to 8th Annual Automobile Subrogation Strategies ExecuSummit, Uncasville, Connecticut.
Product Liability Claims Handling, presented to Brokers Link Annual Asia Pac Conference in 2012 in Taipei, Taiwan.
Product Liability and Asian Manufacturers, seminar presented at the ALFA Product Liability Fall 2011 Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
Effectively Handling Large Loss Claims, presented to Manufacturer’s Export Industry Group in 2010 in Xiamen, China.
U.S. Product Liability Law and Litigation, presented to TAITRA (Taiwan International Trade Association) 2009 Conference in Taipei, Taiwan.